The Opportunity Project

3 weeks to Change your Life!

What Is The Opportunity Project?

The Opportunity Project is a 3-week work-readiness program that will support young people across Duval County in understanding and maximizing their opportunities after school and help them to see and achieve their potential after High School.

Working in Partnership with The Performers Academy  and local community programs and case managers, we will give young people aged 17-23 a range of life and technical skills which will increase their aspirations, help them better understand employment opportunities and the benefits of completing high school as well as build their resilience and self-confidence.

Every day different local employers come into the classroom to support us in sharing local opportunities, delivering key skills sessions, helping the students to be successful in the world of work and start a meaningful career in Jacksonville


Who Are The Students?

16-23 years old, must live in Duval County and most of them are known and supported by Family Support services, or the DJJ either as foster kids or economically disadvantaged young people.


How Can You Be Involved?

We are partnering with local employers to share their opportunities and what it is like to work there with the students. We want to have real examples of entry level roles at your company or in your sector.


Why Collaborate With Us?

It presents an opportunity for employers to contribute to the development of young individuals, build meaningful connections, and potentially identify prospective candidates who align with their organizational values and goals.